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Chinese Canadian Legend Award 2025 – “Strive to Thrive”

(January 20, 2025, Toronto) The annual Chinese Canadian Legend Award, with a 2025 theme of “Strive to Thrive” is accepting nominations effective today to select 6 Chinese Canadian legends who have made outstanding contributions in Canada.

Since 2000, the Award was presented by Asian Business Network Association (ABNA), until 2019 when the newly inaugurated Chinese Canadian Legends Association (CCLA) took over, with a total of 142 outstanding individuals awarded and 23 books published to showcase their legendary stories. Mr. Bammy Wong, President of both ABNA and CCLA, states that CCLA’s mission is to promote and recognize the achievements of and strengthen the contributions of Chinese Canadians. In addition, it also aims to promote and facilitate intercultural understanding and mutual respect for diversity in communities.

CCLA is honoured to have former senator the Honourable Dr. Vivienne Poy as Honourary Chair of the Advisory Committee, former Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba the Honourable Philip Lee as Honourary Advisor, Ms. Alexandra Ngan and Mr. Dennis Au-Yeung as Co-Chairs of Organizing Committee, Mr. Stanley Kwan as Chair of Selection Committee, Mr. Stephen Siu as Chair of Editorial Committee, Mr. Glenn Chan as Chair of Operation Committee, and Ms. Viola Poon as Secretary.

Organizing Committee Co-Chair Alexandra Ngan says that the main purpose of the Chinese Canadian Legend Award is to recognize the outstanding achievements of legendary individuals while inspiring a positive approach to life, resilience in adversity and a helping heart. The 2025 theme for CCLA is “Strive to Thrive” – the Award Recipients’ stories will inspire others to overcome hardships and succeed by perseverance and courage.

Organizing Committee Co-Chair Dennis Au-Yeung urges everyone to nominate in support of this 24th round of the award so that Chinese Canadians with exemplary contributions to their communities will be duly recognized. And in sharing their legendary stories others will be inspired to strive and further public welfare.

Selection Committee Chair Stanley Kwan says that nominations are open to anyone, regardless of position, gender, age, or economic status, as long as the nominee agrees to be nominated. Exceptions are elected federal, provincial and municipal representatives who are in office. The committee will consider nominees’ personal contributions and their motivating impact on their friends and their community.

Editorial Committee Chair Stephen Siu says that every legendary story adds to the fabric of the Chinese Canadian experience. Winners’ inspirational stories are published in a book each year that become invaluable resources for future students and researchers of  Chinese Canadian history. 

These books are now collected in libraries at the University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Victoria University, McGill University, Hong Kong Baptist University, University of Hong Kong, Zhuhai College, Chinese University, Libraries of the University of Science and Technology and Polytechnic University, and the Canadian International School as well as the Hong Kong Central Library. 

Operation Committee Chair Glenn Chan shares that CCLA has also committed to participating more actively in community work. Over the past few years, a team of nearly 100 volunteers has been established, including more than 60 teenagers.  This will encourage and train young people to serve the community and build a better future. 

Nominations are accepted until February 28, 2025. Nominations must include the names of the nominator and nominee, their contact information such as addresses, telephones and email addresses and a biography of up to 1000 words. Nomination forms can also be downloaded from www.cclegends.ca and emailed to info@cclegends.ca . All nomination information will be kept confidential.

The 2025 CCL award gala will be held on Saturday July 19 at the Sheraton Parkway Hotel in Markham. For inquiries, please visit www.cclegends.ca 


(2025年1月20日,多倫多訊) 一年一度的「紅楓傳奇」人物選拔,本屆將以「砥礪奮進締傳奇」作為主題,選出6位對加拿大社會有卓越貢獻的「傳奇」人物,並由即日起接受各界提名。

自2000年至今一直主辦「紅楓傳奇」,過去二十三屆共選出142位得獎者,並出版了23輯專書。「红楓傳奇協會」會長王昆明表示 :「自最初舉辦紅楓傳奇,我們一直不斷摸索和思考未來的發展方向;憑著團隊的努力,得獎人的認同、參與,及社區的支持,發展至今天成為獨樹一幟、極受尊重和具影響力的奬项,令我們深感鼓舞。協會的宗旨是對加國華人的成就和貢獻予以表揚及提升,並促進多元文化及社區之間的瞭解、尊重和共融。


籌委會共同主席顏惠霞律師表示:「舉辦『紅楓傳奇』人物選拔的主要目的,是藉著表揚對社會有卓越貢獻的傳奇人物,激勵大家發揮“ 積極面對人生、逆境自強及愛心助人”的紅楓精神。2025年『紅楓傳奇』的主題是 「砥礪奮進締傳奇」,希望得獎人砥礪 奮進的傳奇故事能振奮人心,於經歷磨練, 克服困難,取得個人傑出成就的同時, 也成為他人成功的激勵,以堅毅的意志在磨練中奮勇前進,締造傳奇。




《紅楓傳奇》專輯現已分別收藏於多倫多大學、渥太華大學、卑詩大學、西門菲莎大學、維多利亞大學、麥基爾大學,以及香港的浸會大學、香港大學、 珠海學院、中文大學、科技大學、理工大學的圖書館。此外,香港中央圖書館、加拿大國際學校,亦有收藏《紅楓傳奇》。


「紅楓傳奇」人物選拔公開接受提名至2025年2月28日截止,提名內容須註明提名人和被提名人的姓名、聯絡地址、電話和電郵地址,以及一篇一千字的扼要人物簡介及相關資料。提名人亦可於「红楓傳奇協會」網址www.cclegends.ca 下載提名表格,將資料電郵至info@cclegends.ca。所有資料將予保密。 2025「紅楓傳奇」頒獎晚宴,將於7月19日(星期六)在烈治文山喜來登酒店舉行。查詢詳情,可瀏覽網址﹕www.cclegends.ca